I want to start out by sending a huge thanks to Michelle Zink for making the contest I’m about to announce the winner of infinitely more fun and exciting. My favorite thing about Twitter and the internets in general is getting to reach out to people who write books that make me happy and letting them know exactly how happy they make me. So, thanks, Michelle, for your amazing gift. I hope the winner enjoys Prophecy and Guardian as much as I did!

The winner is…ScarlettLetters! Please contact us and claim your (amazing, turning me pea green with envy) prize!

And now…ok, not back to our regularly scheduled programming. Originally I had another book review planned for today and then I realized…I can’t think of a single book besides Mockingjay today (and for the last few days), so what’s the likelihood anyone else will be able to? Watching Twitter and the blogosphere, I’m gonna say I was right. As such (and as you can see by my rambling lack of a review), I’ve just pushed my planned review/giveaway back a bit.

Today I want to hear what everyone thought about Mockingjay. Team Peeta? Team Gale? Team Katniss? Did everything turn out like you wanted? Did you RAWR HULKSMASH? Did you cry?

Please. I’m begging people to come tell me what they thought so I can make comments somewhere, too.

Obviously BEWARE of potential spoilers in the comments.

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