Secondhand Saturday (6)

Congratulations to last week’s giveaway winner, Heather! These are the books available to select from this week: Middle Grade The Templeton Twins Have an Idea ARC by Ellis Weiner (The Templeton Twins #1) Laddertop, Vol 1 by Orson Scott Card (SIGNED) Young Adult Ripper ARC by Amy Carol Reeves (Ripper #1) The Hunt ARC by Andrew Fukuda (The Hunt…

Forgotten by Cat Patrick

If you’ve seen Memento, you might have a slight idea how jarring it would be for a person’s memory to be wiped every night. Now, London’s condition is not nearly so severe as that lead character’s is in the movie since hers comes with a surprising twist (and no need for tattoos covering her body)….

Secondhand Saturday (5)

Congratulations to last week’s giveaway winners, Andrea and Meg! (Yeah, I decided to have two winners, just because.) These are the books available to select from this week: Middle Grade The Templeton Twins Have an Idea ARC by Ellis Weiner (The Templeton Twins #1) Laddertop, Vol 1 by Orson Scott Card (SIGNED) Young Adult *NEW Ripper ARC…

Spellcaster by Claudia Gray

I picked this book up with mixed feelings. I’ve not been a fan of Claudia Gray’s writing in the past. I thought Evernight was rather silly and didn’t bother with the rest of the series. But this one is about witches! So. I had to. Obviously. When Nadia’s family moves to Captive’s Sound, she instantly…

If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch

This book was rough going. I don’t know why I’m drawn to these books about people going through horrible ordeals. Maybe it’s the train wreck mentality, or how I’ve been programmed to perceive such things as ‘entertainment’ and ‘news’ all mixed into one (thanks, media!), or maybe it’s the fact that I need to know…

Secondhand Saturday (4)

Congratulations to last week’s giveaway winner, Joely! These are the books available to select from this week: Middle Grade The Templeton Twins Have an Idea ARC by Ellis Weiner (The Templeton Twins #1) Laddertop, Vol 1 by Orson Scott Card (SIGNED) Young Adult *NEW Everneath ARC by Brodi Ashton (Everneath #1) (SIGNED) Unraveling ARC by Elizabeth Norris (Unraveling #1)…