Ditched by Robin Mellom

I’m not entirely sure why I wanted to read this book. I don’t particularly like the cover. It makes it look a little juvenile. THERE’S A GIRL. Justina Griffith was never the girl who dreamed of going to prom. Designer dresses and strappy heels? Not her thing. That said, she never expected her best friend,…

Book Covers: an Editorial

I love pretty books. I know some people, mostly people who are not book bloggers, who are always going on about how much better paperbacks are. Especially mass market backs because they are cheaper and they take up less space. But no. This is just not my thing. I love to own an entire series…

Hemlock by Kathleen Peacock

Small town with werewolves, crazy people wanting to kill the werewolves, and a murder-mystery involving EVERYONE? Yes please. Mackenzie and Amy were best friends. Since then, Mac’s life has been turned upside down. She is being haunted by Amy in her dreams, and an extremist group called the Trackers has come to Mac’s hometown of…

Every Day by David Levithan

Who would you be if you woke up someone different every day? Can you even imagine something like that? Never knowing where you’ll end up or who you’ll be? Our identities are something we live with and use to help us navigate through life, but what if the only way to identify yourself were your…

Endlessly by Kiersten White

In a random bit of luck, I scored the Endlessly review to do all by myself! (Because before we’d done group reviews for this series: Paranormalcy and Supernaturally.) I promise not to let all this power go to my head… much. Evie’s paranormal past keeps coming back to haunt her. A new director at the…

Fury by Rebecca Lim

Fury marks the end of the Mercy series and the end of one the truly good series of angel books out there: Caitlin: ALL THE RYAN!!! Christine: Yes. That sums up all my feelings for Fury nicely. Caitlin: After falling in love with not only the character of Ryan, but Ryan and Mercy together, in…