Incarnate by Jodi Meadows

You wouldn’t think from the cover of this book that it has dragons. Lots of awesome dragons. But it does, my friends, it does. Oh yes. What else do you need? NEWSOUL Ana is new. For thousands of years in Range, a million souls have been reincarnated over and over, keeping their memories and experiences…

Angelfall by Susan Ee

I’m not a big fan of angel books. I’ve read a few and, to be honest, the “angels” didn’t seem that “angel-like.” Angels aren’t human. Angels are terrifying beings that have the ability to turn you into salt, they aren’t “Edward with wings” who want to make out with  cute teenagers, so when the buzz…

Ashfall by Mike Mullin

It’s been noted by my blog partners that I like to read the scary books. This is a true statement. There is something about being terrified by the written word that I can handle much better than I can visually. It’s one of my quirks. Last year’s most scary read for me was Ashes, this…

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Marissa Meyer’s debut novel Cinder hits shelves today and Christine and I are here to tell you how much we loved it, and how much we think you’re going to love it! Caitlin: When I first heard about this book I didn’t think I’d like it. I’m not a big fan of books with main…

Marissa Meyer – Interview

Christine and I were lucky enough to get to read Cinder by Marissa Meyer a little early…or a lot early in Christine’s case…and we both we really loved it and a million questions for Marissa, the author (…duh..) but we didn’t think asking her a million questions would be the best thing to do we…