Angels and Witches

My favourite things in books! This is another one of those, “I don’t wanna wait to tell you how much I loved these books” post. Like this one. A 2012 preview of books that made squee and giggle and clutch them to me in disbelief that I got to read them early. And can’t review…

Unwelcome by Michael Griffo

Unwelcome is the second book in the Archangel Academy series, written by Michael Griffo. WARNING: If you have not read Unnatural, then you might be spoiled a bit. Guys, I tried with this series. I really wanted to like it. There are very few LGBT books in the young adult section and this series was…

Exile by Rebecca Lim

It may not be released in the USA for awhile, but it is out here in Canada and in England and Australia, so Christine and I though we’d review Exile by Rebecca Lim. Cause, why not? Caitlin: Directly after reading Mercy I went on Goodreads (and then Amazon and BookDepository) trying to figure out when…

Possess by Gretchen McNeil

Guess what? Gretchen and I (we’re on a first name basis) both have the same favourite Curious George book. Curious George Goes to the Hospital. This isn’t important to the story or this review at all. I just really love that book and was overjoyed to see it mentioned in Possess. Fifteen-year-old Bridget Liu just…

Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel

Five glorious months ago I won an ARC of Dearly, Departed from Goodreads. As soon as it arrived in the mail, I dropped everything to read it. Two days and 500 pages later, I found myself instantly craving the next book. Unfortunately, the joy of getting an ARC soon becomes depression when you realize you have…