“Unwelcome” Author Interview

Hey guys! Today we’re joined by Michael Griffo, author of the Archangel Academy series – Unnatural and the just released, Unwelcome. He graciously answered a few questions we had concerning his series, his inspiration, and his life. 1. How did you come up for the idea of the Archangel Academy series? The kernel of the idea came to…

Shifting by Bethany Wiggins

Shifting, by Bethany Wiggins, is one of those books that I’m not entirely sure why I wanted to read it. Looking at it now nothing about the description (or the cover of the ARC) seems as if it would be appealing to me, personally. After bouncing from foster home to foster home, Magdalene Mae is…

Variant by Robison Wells

I like boarding school books. There has always been something about them that interests me. Kids being away from their homes and parents creating little microcosms of society. I think they provide a perfect setting to showcase the best and worst about us. I was drawn to Robison Wells’s Variant for this very reason. Benson Fisher…

The Shattering by Karen Healey

I like all kinds of books with magic. …and books without magic….but that doesn’t matter with this book. Though especially when it’s magical realism (which does apply to this book) and when it’s being used to fight evil (which doesn’t really apply to this one.) Seventeen-year-old Keri likes to plan for every possibility. She knows…

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

So, whenever someone asks me what this book is I always reply in with, “It’s a dystopian X-men.” Which, as I LOVE X-men is basically the best thing ever. Also, my favourite of the X-men is Rogue and the main character here has a similar problem to Rogue’s. All things considered I was beyond excited…