A New Look

We wanted to do something special for our first post from our new site. Not just a review, and not just a “welcome, here is our blog…please read” – but something that would celebrate our love of YA literature and have you celebrate with us. And what better way to celebrate and rejoice than giving…

The Underland Chronicles

So, firstly, I want to say that my favourite thing about these books, and all of Suzanne Collin’s writing, is that she writes for and about children as if they are capable and intelligent people. Even the two year old in the books is treated as a character with depth and growth and understanding. The…

Hate List by Jennifer Brown

Hate List by Jennifer Brown is yet another book I bought because I loved the cover. I almost didn’t, because I don’t like books about school shootings. So often they’re written from the point of view of the shooter or with excerpts from the shooters, and I just…I can’t get behind that for any reason….