October – 2013

On Saturday September 21st, Raincoast Books hosted it’s first Teens Read Preview…morning…day…event…thing. That is, they invited local bloggers, librarians, and booksellers, to hear about the upcoming seasons books, get fun goodies and win some coveted ARCs. For those of you who are not Canadian, Raincoast Books is a little difficult to explain, I suppose. They…

Spirit by Brigid Kemmerer

I don’t even know where to begin with this one. I was very excited for Hunter’s story before starting this one. Excited for more world building and learning about the other side of things and all that. Plus I really liked the way Hunter was turning out in Spark. With power comes enemies. Lots of…

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

Despite this books overwhelming presence at ALA Midwinter, I wasn’t excited at all. I’ve previously read about half of the Monstromologist (also by Rick Yancey) and while I was impressed by his writing style, I didn’t care for the characters at all. And…well, other things that made me put the book down.1 But a friend…

Read-a-thon April 2013

Guys! It’s my third Read-a-thon! Yay! And I’ve made myself a blanket nest and I’m currently snuggled into it with Princess Snapples. All is well. Find me on Twitter when I’m distracting myself from reading! And go here to find out more about the Read-a-thon and it’s long history.   Now if only I could…