Abandon by Meg Cabot

Abandoned was one of those books that we all knew we wanted to read and talk about. Unfortunately, it came at a time when not all of us had the time for reading, and we certainly didn’t have the time to gush about it as a group. So Caitlin and I decided we’d just each…

Bitter End by Jennifer Brown

Jennifer Brown writes powerful books about tough topics, and she does it exceedingly sensitively and, therefore, exceedingly well. I still remember reading Hate List and straight up sobbing through the last chapters. I still remember being so moved by it that it was hard to read anything after it, and only reading another infinitely touching…

Die For Me by Amy Plum

I really had no idea what to expect when starting this book. I’d heard something about the book featuring a group a of people that were forced to sacrifice themselves for people who were about to die. And all I could think was….what? How does that work? Is everyone just going to die? All the…

Book Birthdays – May 2011

This months Book Birthdays post is a little late, but full of fantastic books, none the less. Hope you find something excited to read. If you’re anything like me you will find more than one somethings. Don’t forget to let us what you’re excited about in the comments. May 1st Shine by Lauren Myracle When…

My Pile of Shame

It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these and I figured it was my turn, since my to-be-read pile borders on the obscene. Plus I just bought a new camera, having been so long without one, and I needed to try it out. (BTW, the picture to the left is actually a shot…