In a random bit of luck, I scored the Endlessly review to do all by myself! (Because before we’d done group reviews for this series: Paranormalcy and Supernaturally.) I promise not to let all this power go to my head… much.
Evie’s paranormal past keeps coming back to haunt her. A new director at the International Paranormal Containment Agency wants to drag her back to headquarters. The Dark Faerie Queen is torturing humans in her poisonous realm. And supernatural creatures keep insisting that Evie is the only one who can save them from a mysterious, perilous fate.
The clock is ticking on the entire paranormal world. And its fate rests solely in Evie’s hands.
So much for normal.
So, here we are. The end of the Paranormalcy series. Are you sad? I was a bit sad while reading this. I didn’t want my time with Lend to end. (LEND!) I mean, yes, Evie and Reth and the others were there, but Lend… *sniffs*
This book takes place over Christmas break, with Lend back home from his first semester at college. And it starts out so nice and sweet and I was ‘awwing’ all over the place and then everything quickly goes HORRIBLY wrong. Poor Evie.
If you like Reth, then you’ll like that there’s so much Reth in this book. Even more than Lend *grumblegrumblegrumble*, but I get that his story needed to wrap up the same as Evie’s. Don’t get me wrong. I like Reth… somewhat, but, well, you know who I’m really reading this series for.
The conclusion to the arc Kiersten’s been planning since the first book was definitely not one I thought would happen. But it did make sense, once it was revealed. And it also explained Reth’s interest in her for some long and why Empty Ones were made in the first place. I liked it, and I also liked the ending. It leaves the rest of Evie’s story kind of open-ended, but it worked for what ultimately happened.
Basically, if you liked the other books in this series, you’re going to like this one, too. Kiersten manages to pack this book with so much action and events that you start to wonder when they sleep. I’m sad that it’s all over, but out next from Kiersten White is Mind Games, which is the start of her new trilogy. It sounds really good, guys, so I’m looking forward to it.
Endlessly is out now in bookstores, online in ebook form, and libraries.