Bite Club by Rachel Caine

I would tell you about the  latest installment of Rachel Caine’s Morganville Vampire series, but the first rule of Fight Club is do not talk about Fight Club…er… I mean Bite Club. Error aside, Caine managed to add into the already bizarre and twisted town of Morganville, a vampire fight club. Now skeptics who feel…

Ripple by Mandy Hubbard

When the opportunity arose, I grabbed at the chance to read Ripple early (thanks to Around the World ARC Tours). The cover wasn’t the greatest thing ever, but the summary intrigued me as it sounded similar to an adult series that I read, Jane True by Nicole Peeler. Lexi is cursed with a dark secret….

48 Hour Book Challenge!

The 48 Hour Book Challenge, hosted by Mother Reader is currently underway. I (Christine) am participating and this is my first year. Quick fun facts about 48HBC: – You have a 72 hour window in which to read/review for 48 hours. – Whenever you start your time, however, the 48 hours have to be in…

Book Birthdays – June 2011

This months book releases are as exciting as they are varied. June is certainly going to test my book buying ban. Which is already quite difficult to stick to. As I’m sure you can imagine. All of the following book summaries were taken from Goodreads. Cause Goodreads is awesome. Which books are you guys excited…

Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz

**There’s a maybe, kinda, sorta…spoiler…thingy…in this review. Beware.** One recent Wednesday that Christine and I, and a couple others probably, were doing a read-a-thon night (we stayed up reading all night…yep) I decided to start the evening with Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma. It was good, it was really good. In fact, I have…

Nightspell by Leah Cypess

When I reviewed Mistwood by Leah Cypess last year, I talked about was how refreshing it was to read a young adult book that wasn’t focused solely on a romantic plot. This was also one of my favorite things about Mistwood’s companion novel, Nightspell, which I was lucky enough to get my hands on last…